Program areas at Western Connecticut Coalition
Western ct coaliton serves the following towns: barkhamsted, beacon falls, bethel, bethlehem, bridgewater, brookfield, canaan, cheshire, colebrook, cornwall, danbury, goshen, hartland, harwinton, kent, litchfield, middlebury, morris, naugatuck, new fairfield, new hartford, new milford, newtown, norfolk, north canaan, oxford, prospect, redding, ridgefield, roxbury, salisbury, sharon, sherman, southbury, thomaston, torrington, warren, Washington, waterbury, watertown, wolcott, woodbury and winchester. We are a Coalition of volunteers and a small staff that endeavor to help communities, families and individuals increase the positive attributes that reduce the harmful effects of alcohol, tobacco and other drug use. We provide a variety of services to the community, including: mental health promotion and substance misuse prevention programs in the 43 town service area. Assessing behavioral health needs of children, adolescents and adults, develop regional plans identifying priority recommendations for the continuum of care of mental health and substance abuse services, provide direction to the 26 local prevention councils in region 5, building capacity of local communities to address problem gambling, serving as a strategic community partner to link state substance abuse prevention, problem gambling awareness, mental health promotion and related priorities with local and regional initiatives, providing opiod education and training and distribution of narcan( naloxone) to identified high risk/need sub populations, coordinating suicide prevention programs and initiatives that support evidence-based post prevention practices in all 43 communities in region 5.