Program areas at Housing Partnership of Chester County
First Time Home Buyers Program - assists low to moderate income individuals and families interested in purchasing a home within Chester County, PA. Program provides pre- purchase home ownership counseling and a maximum loan of $20,000 for down payment and closing costs to first time home buyers.
Senior Citizen Home Maintenance Program - provides basic home maintenance, repairs and access modifications for residents of Chester County, 65 years of age and older. Costs are limited to $4,500 and are considered a one time full grant.
Pennsylvania Housing Affordability and Rehabilitation Enhancement Fund (PHARE) may be used for the following purposes: to provide safe and sanitary dwellings for sale or rent to low income and moderate income individuals; to increase the availability or quality of housing for elderly persons; to increase the availability or quality of accessible housing for persons with disabilities; to prevent or reduce homelessness; to provide mortgage or rental assistance, including housing counseling, foreclosure prevention and refinancing products; and/or to provide loans, low-interest loans or grants to low-income and moderate-income individuals or families who are owner-occupants for repairs and improvement to sustain or increase the conditions of the home.
Credit Counseling / Foreclosure Prevention Provides, free of charge, counseling to individuals who are having credit problems. Individual and group counseling sessions are available. Provides information for families in danger of losing their homes to foreclosure.
Chester County Home Modification Program - funds are used to provide assistance to low and moderate- income residents of Chester County with permanent disabilities in making their current residences more accessible. Program allows for wide range of adaptive modifications.
Rehab - Funds received from a contract with DCD are used to administer the program helping low to moderate income home owners correct violations of the BOCA Property Maintenance Code, Local and State Codes, and the Section 8 Housing Quality Standards. Typical violations include, but are not limited to: structural, plumbing, heating, electrical, and lead based paint problems. Handicap accessible modifications are also included in the program.
American Rescue Plan Act - funds received from the Federal stimulus bill to aid public health and economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Proceeds are administered by Chester County and may be used for home reconstruction and emergency home repairs.