Program areas at HTSV
The competitive real estate market in the greater bay area creates a challenging environment for affordable Housing development. Housing Trust - which makes more loans than any other nonprofit Housing lender in our region - is here to help. Since 2000, Housing Trust has made loans to 181 affordable Housing projects, totaling over $495 million in funding and resulting in 16,431 affordable rental homes. Our borrowers are typically community-based, non-profit and mission aligned for-profit affordable Housing developers whose collective mission is to increase and preserve the affordable Housing stock in the communities they serve, and by so doing, revitalize such communities. We lend in the greater bay area including alameda, contra costa, marin, monterey, napa, sacramento, san benito, san francisco, san joaquin, san mateo, santa clara, santa cruz, solano, and sonoma counties.
In 2023, we offered limited security deposit assistance and are phasing out the program that strengthened and expanded the capacity of social safety net providers and provided the final key to individuals and families to prevent or exit homelessness.
Six-figure down payments can put the dream of homeownership out of reach. Housing Trust offers first time homebuyers the education and counseling, deferred interest loans and below market purchase programs that can bring that dream closer to reality. Housing Trust's homebuyer team offers one-on-one sessions that cover topics including saving for a down payment and reserves, how to select and work with realtors and mortgage loan officers and what to expect upon closing on a new home. Housing Trust's financial products reduce the burden of 20% down payment requirements and bridge the gap between what low- to middle-income buyers can afford to borrow and the equity required to do so. Since 2000 we have offered homebuyer down payment assistance as deferred, amortizing and equity share loans, depending on income level and needs of the borrower. Our loans under these programs range from $6,500 to $250,000. We have made 2,593 down payment assistance loans totaling over $57 million since our founding. In fy23, Housing Trust provided education and counseling to 1,984 hopeful homebuyers, made nine down payment assistance loans.
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