Program areas at HW
During july 1, 2022 through june 30, 2023, Housing Works served a total of 819 individuals with lived experience of chronic homelessness. This included 689 individuals living in scattered sites or project-based Housing settings. Housing Works moved 83 individuals into permanent Housing through outreach, Housing navigation and move-inassistance. Housing Works serves as the on-site services provider for nine affordable Housing developments with a total of 452 site-based units. The organization's Housing retention rate is 93% for people housed since 2011. A total of 463 individuals received weekly food were delivered in geographic areas throughout los angeles county, including hollywood, west hollywood, pasadena, downtown, the san fernando valley, the san gabriel valley, east, central and south los angeles. Permanent supportive Housing - the organization Works with both for profit and nonprofit developers and property owners to create permanent supportive Housing options in los angeles county for low-income individuals and families. These include securing units in site-based affordable Housing developments, as well as scattered site units.home first program - assists people experiencing homelessness diagnosed with serious mental illness (or multi-diagnosed with mental illness, addiction, and/or hiv or other chronic health conditions) to find, secure, and sustain permanent supportive Housing. Services designed to support participants' ability to retain Housing and thrive intheir community are provided by the organization's mobile integrated services team (mist) and/or via linkages and referrals by the mobile integrated services team to local service providers. These services include case management, 24/7 crisis response, counseling, psychiatric care, medication management, money management (including services as representative payee), health care, recovery services and treatment, benefits advocacy, employment readiness and search assistance, community-building and recreational/social activities.empowerment Works - assists participants in permanent supportive Housing to access paid and volunteer work opportunities, as well as community integration activities such as theatre, sporting events, recreational activities, concerts and boost nutrition assistance & distribution program- provides weekly supplemental groceries and served meals to Housing Works' most ill, vulnerable and food-insecure participants.