Program areas at HGS
The objectives of the Houston Geological Society are: to stimulate interest and promote advancement in geology for the Houston area; to disseminate and facilitate discussion of Geological information relationships among geologists in the area; and to aid and encourage academic training in the science of geology.the Society strives to achieve these goals through regularly scheduled technical meetings, publication of a monthly bulletin, a continuing education program, field trips, the publication of timely books, and two student scholarship funds.the Houston Geological Society celebrated its 100th year in 2023!
The Society encourages and aids students through the calvert memorial scholarship fund for graduate students, and the undergraduate scholarship fund for undergraduates. The Society also gives outstanding geology student awards to stephen f. austin university, lamar university, Texas a&m university, the university of Texas at austin, rice university, the university of Houston, and sam Houston state university; and promotes participation in the Houston engineering and science fair.
Through its publication efforts, the Society has rendered a service to its members, the Geological profession, and occasionally to the entire community with books of general interest. The publication, "Houston area environmental geology: surface faulting, ground subsidence, hazard liability," is a significant contribution to both the Geological and lay communities. Four important volumes on the geology of deltas, that favored habitat for petroleum accumulation, have been published. Two of these, "deltas-models for exploration and "deltas in their geologic framework" have been reprinted due to demand. The 22nd edition of "directory of oil company name changes" was printed in 2012. Two recent publications, exploration and exploitation of coastal salt basin diapiric structures in the lower pliocene through eocene trends: geology and techniques", a joint effort with the new orleans Geological Society, and "productive low resistivity well logs of the offshore gulf of mexico" are valuable additions to the Geological literature.