Program areas at Houston Welcomes Refugees
Starting essentials - Refugees arrive in the united states with very little and have to quickly begin their lives over again. Welcome kits are filled with household items that provide the starting essentials for every room in a refugee family's new home. Volunteer move-in teams prepare the refugee family's home by unpacking welcome kits, delivering groceries and a hot meal, and leaving notes of welcome and encouragement. This program empowers each refugee family by allowing them to reallocate an average of 975 of their resources to meet other basic needs. In 2022, 311 refugee families totaling 1,111 individuals received the gift of welcome kits. A total of over 300,319 in household goods were distributed, welcoming these families with hope and dignity.
Community education - while most Refugees receive case management during their first six months in the u.s., caseworkers often support multiple families at one time. There is a tremendous need for the local community to come alongside Refugees as they navigate life in a new country. With over 100 training and speaking engagements per year, this program educates and empowers volunteers, and increases awareness and support for Refugees in the Houston community. In 2022, 2,910 individuals were mobilized and equipped to be volunteers through 127 orientations, trainings, and special events held throughout the year.
Friendship - resettling in a new country without speaking the language, understanding the culture, or knowing anyone suddenly makes simple daily tasks daunting and overwhelming. This program partners volunteer welcome teams with a refugee family during their first six months in Houston. Teams connect Refugees with critical resources and community, act as a support system, and offer Refugees the gift of friendship. In 2022, 80 families totaling 350 individuals were honored with the gift of friendship by a welcome team during their first months in Houston.