Program areas at HRDC
Family Development - This service group provides various child care services such as provider training and technical assistance; parent training, resource and referral; payment assistance; and nutritional training and meal payment assistance. Service estimates in units of children -- 1,687 received $4,586,733 of child care payment assistance. Additionally 466 providers received 269.5 hours of training and forty-six providers received nutritional training. CARES Act Out of School Grants provided $1,687,227 in assistance to 785 families. ARPA provided Health Care Sector child care payment of $303,692 in assistance to 27 families. Seven new Child Care Providers received $20,231 dollars to assist with start-up costs.
Employment Assistance - This service group provides job training, readiness, placement, retention and case management services designed to address barriers to education, employment and self sufficiency success. TANF and food stamp recipients and eligible youth receive these services to assist them in entering and staying in the work place. Service estimates included 535 enrollments, 161 positive case resolutions and $65,959 in direct supportive services for welfare recipients. There were 33 case resolutions from 97 participants, and $16,901 in direct supportive services for food stamp recipients. Help-Link services assisted 35 individuals with $26,302 in supportive services, with 4 degrees and 2 certificates reccieved during the year. Approximately $66,422 in wages was provided to 25 youth engaging in employment training opportunities. In addition to work place assistance, the youth received $22,962 in direct supportive services. Intensive case management targeted towards completion of education and involvement community service activities. Sixty-nine students received over 831 hours of tutoring for Hi-SET/GED testing.
Energy Programs - This service group provides weatherization, utility payment assistance and education to qualified participants. Utility assistance consists of : 1) Eligibility for Montana's Energy Share program -- approximately $290,536 in utilities were provided to 600 households. 2) LIEAP heat utility payments, energy education and credit counseling, and crisis intervention for heating emergencies -- approximately $4,089,069 in utilities was paid for 3,014 households and portions of these households received other conservation services. Approximately 3,568 homes received energy education. Weatherization services increased heating efficiency and reduced utility bills for low income eligible participants through approximately $684,872 in insulation; door, window and furnace repair and replacement. Fourteen households received furnace replacements totaling $85,500. An estimated 75 eligible homes were assisted.