Program areas at HSHS Good Shepherd Hospital
Other: Good Shepherd Hospital provides a comprehensive range of other specialized healthcare services.The facility excels in advanced imaging, incorporating 3D mammography, and focuses on inpatient care through its swing bed program, alongside substance abuse medical detox. Equipped with a modern laboratory and dedicated rehabilitation programs in cardiac, pulmonary, and general therapy services, the hospital prioritizes high-quality patient care. Services also include a specialized sleep center. Furthermore, a specialty clinic convenes expert providers in podiatry, cardiac, general medicine, and orthopedics, fortifying local access to specialized healthcare.
Internal Medicine: The HSHS Good Shepherd Hospital Rural Health Clinic is home to HSHS providers, mid-level providers, and compassionate nursing staff. Serving as a central hub for primary care, the clinic also features a convenient walk-in clinic. Primary care providers play a pivotal role in residents' healthcare, conducting annual assessments to gauge overall well-being. Their comprehensive care includes tailored screenings based on patients' medical history and demographics, preventive care, treatment for acute, minor, and chronic conditions, as well as facilitating referrals to specialists.
Emergency Services: The Emergency Department at HSHS Good Shepherd Hospital stands as a comprehensive treatment facility, ensuring continuous care with a dedicated team of specially trained physicians, nurses, and technicians available 24/7. Our commitment to quality patient care spans a broad spectrum of concerns. Leveraging advanced telemedicine, we have access to a diverse array of specialists who contribute to diagnosis and treatment for those in need of elevated care. Equipped with cutting-edge technology, we efficiently process x-rays, CT scans, and various diagnostic tests, facilitating swift and accurate diagnosis and treatment across a spectrum of medical areas, including: stroke, heart attack, shortness of breath, motor vehicle and other accidents, broken bones, abdominal pain, lacerations, and mental health issues. During FY23 the emergency department seen 4054 patients of those 3% were admitted or placed in observation and 10% were transferred to a higher level of care.
All surgery and Main OR: At HSHS Good Shepherd Hospital, our OR services outpatients from surrounding Shelby County rural communities. Surgeons from a variety of physician groups perform procedures at our facility, from a multitude of specialties including General Surgery, Orthopedics, Ophthalmology, and Podiatry. Top 3 Services Lines by Volume from July 2022 - June 2023 * General Surgery, includes Endoscopy - 138 cases (117 Endo, 21 General) * Ophthalmology - 129cases * Orthopedics - 5 cases * Podiatry - 5 cases