Program areas at HRA
Early childhood: hra offers quality affordable early childhood services accredited by the national association education young children (naeyc) including head start, school readiness, state head start and doe childcare. Hra's head start is recognized for excellence by the administration of children and families. Our services impact the educational, physical, social and emotional development of 700 children in New Britain, bristol and surrounding areas. For fy 2021-2022, we consolidated the federal head start contract to include all services to children and families delivered by hra throughout greater New Britain and bristol. The consolidation enhanced program governance and management functions.
Community and neighborhood: hra community services case managers directly benefit residents of the communities we serve by building the safety net of support systems necessary for residents accessible within their community. Hra community services case managers assist clients in accessing services for a variety of needs including job search/retention, housing searches, negotiations with landlords, assistance with deposits and rental agreements, and with follow up to ensure that clients remain permanently housed. Often low-income, homeless, disabled and/or elderly residents need assistance to obtain or maintain stability in their housing (such as energy assistance, budgeting, job search or tax assistance), to get access to nutritious food, or to get access to health care.
Energy assistance is a program for people who have difficulty paying the cost of heating their home. Hra is the official provider of the energy assistance program funded by the Connecticut energy assistance program (ceap) to serve over 4000 households in New Britain, bristol, and four other communities. Ceap helps low income households pay their primary heat source bills. Through an intake and assessment it is determined how hra and its programs can best help lower energy costs. In addition, customers can access services including case management, Resources, referrals, training and other social services which strengthen individuals/families' ability to maintain independence and promote self-sufficiency.