Program areas at HRIC
Casework and defender support: hric focuses on Rights defenders who are raising systemic Human Rights issues and concerns regarding individual cases. Hric also supports citizen activism by increasing access to uncensored information, bringing international attention to domestic calls for action, and providing media support for individual cases, and capacity building resources for defenders.
Policy advocacy and research: hric's policy advocacy work is aimed at 1) advancing domestic implementation of China's international Human Rights obligations and 2) building international awareness of and support for key cases and issues critical to the development of a diverse and active civil society space in China. Hric conducts this work through extensive engagement with diverse stakeholders and actors, including governments, the private sector, academics and experts, and united nations Human Rights bodies. Hric monitors China's legal, political, and technological developments, conducts in-depth research, and produces whitepapers and reports on key topics that impact fundamental Rights.
Communications, media: hric's media work supports domestic forces for change and contributes to international understanding of the complex challenges facing Rights defenders and civil society groups in China through press releases, statements, case updates, and the hric daily brief, a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to Human Rights in China, drawn from chinese- and english-language news and online media sources. Hric highlights critical Human rights-related issues and developments through media interviews, public talks, as well as commentary published on hric's website and by press outlets, aimed at promoting informed discussions in the international community.