Program areas at Humane Society of Fremont County
The Humane Society of Fremont County Inc's only activity is an open-admission animal shelter that provides animal services to Fremont County and custer County Colorado, the cities of canon city and florence and the towns of coal creek, rockvale and williamsburg Colorado. Also see the accomplishments, page 12.
The Humane Society of Fremont County hsfc is an open admission shelter that provides animal care and
Control services to nine different Colorado municipalities Fremont and custer counties, the cities of
Canon city and florence, and the towns of rockvale, williamsburg, westcliffe and silver cliff, Colorado.
Each of the above nine municipalities independently contract with hsfc. All nine of our animal contracts
Account for 21 of the annual budget, meaning that 79 of our entire budget was raised through
Private donations. In 2022, the hsfc received 1,117 live animals 719 dogs, 367 cats, and 31 others.
Other is any animal not a cat or a dog...goat, bird, hamster, ferret, snake,etc. of those 1,1117 intakes,
34 were brought in by animal control officers, the police, and/or the sheriff. The remaining 66 were
Brought to the shelter by residents i.e. Strays found running or owner surrender. The hsfc reunited
421 pets withs their owners in 2022 38 reclaim rate through many innovative reclaim programs.
The hsfc adopted 434 animals 39 adoption rate . To be fully transparent, each month/year we calculate
Two sets of live release save rates. One set includes owner requested euthanasia and a second set
Excludes owner requested euthanasia. For 2022, the live release rate including owner requested
Euthanasia was 98.21, while the live release rate excluding owner requested euthanasa was 98.30.