Program areas at Hunterdon Land Trust
Land preservation: hlt preserves Land to protect the rural character of Hunterdon county and ensure clean water, diverse wildlife, healthy food, scenic views, and recreational opportunities. Hlt protects Land by acquiring it directly for preservation purposes, facilitating projects with partners, such as municipalities and other nonprofit organizations, and establishing conservation and agricultural easements on properties to date, hlt has preserved 11,640 acres. Of the total preserved, hlt owns and manages 825 acres for the public to enjoy and monitors 574 easement acres to ensure permanent protection.
Dvoor farm rehabilitation and programs:hlt preserves the historic resources and cultural landscape of the historic dvoor farm for public enjoyment and education. It is a model destination for education, recreation and agritourism connecting community members to each other and to enjoy a sense of belonging through programs such as hlt's farmers' market. The farm's preservation and programs demonstrate the value of hlt's mission.
Stewardship: hlt stewards both natural and cultural resources to protect the integrity of ecological systems and connect the public to our rural heritage. As a result of our natural resource stewardship efforts, 825 acres of preserved Land is available for public enjoyment. All of our properties have management plans to prioritize stewardship activities such as invasive species removal, soil conservation, plantings, and wetland restoration projects. Most of our properties have forest stewartship plans to improve the composition of the woodlands that protect water quality and support diverse native wildlife populations. Hlt utilizes a corpus of volunteers to implement stewardship projects
Outreach: includes community outreach, building relationships within the conservation community, preparing literature for hlt properties and trails, issuing newsletters, and holding community workshops and educational events.