Program areas at IATA
Outreach - the Alliance continues to engage new members and Trail users. 2022 included an awareness marketing campaign, the 3rd mammoth hike challenge with more than 7,000 registrants with 63% being new, our think outside youth education work enlisted more than 6,000 youth to the Trail, and 17 communities are designated Ice Age Trail communities. Membership - membership continued to grow to 5,322 members, a small increase over 2021 (5,290).
Lands - in yet another record-breaking year, the iata protected thirteen land transactions properties while helping partner and complete another 6 and thereby protecting 2,236 acres of land and adding 4 miles of future trails. Properties were protected in both fee and easement. All these lands will host a variety of public recreational opportunities that include the Ice Age national scenic trail.the Alliance also hosted 4 habitat improvement projects, designed to remove invasive species.
Trails - the Alliance has built and maintainsed nearly 700 miles of the Ice Age national scenic Trail. Alliance staff coordinate this effort among 19 volunteer chapters and volunteers from across the upper midwest. In addition to Trail construction, maintenance, stewardship, and outreach and educational activities, the Alliance added appoximately 5 miles of new Trail and brought an additional 30 miles up to national park service standards. The Alliance's 8 msc events accounted for 24% of the organization's volunteer hours. All told, the alliances 1,839 volunteers contributed 84,349 hours - a new record.