Program areas at Icr Iowa
Icr talent: coalition of human resource directors and partner organizations working together to recruit and retain diverse professionals in high-demand occupations. Their activities, in coming years, will focus on matching professionals to regional career opportunities, providing a "wingman" for newcomers to support their transition to the region, developing region-wide diversity networks, and working to grow regional college internships.
Icr inclusion: working with organizations to develop inclusive programming.
Choose Icr: coalition of economic developers, utility providers and employers working together to invite new companies to locate to our region. Their activities, in coming years, will focus on developing robust industry cluster knowledge and strategies, attending conferences to build knowledge and connect with companies who may be interested in future expansions, meeting with site consultants to share knowledge about the region, continuing to develop the region as a great place to locate.
Icr future: coalition of over 130 individuals representing 40+ organizations, employers and school districts working together to implement career-connected learning in our middle and high schools. Their activities, in upcoming years, will focus on career exploration, work-based learning (internships and job shadows), computer science education and project-based learning.