Program areas at Idaho Parents Unlimited
As the state family voices affiliate and the family to family health information center, ipul assists families in making informed choices about health care. Ipul provide training, information and resources to families of children with special health care needs. The health resources services administration (hrsa's) maternal and child health bureau (mchb), together with its partners, has identified six core outcomes to promote the community-based system of services mandated for all children with special health care needs under title v, healthy people 2010, and the president's new freedom initiative (nfi) designed to break down barriers to community living for people with disabilities. These outcomes give us a concrete way to measure our progress in making family-centered care a reality. Progress toward the overall goal can be measured using these six critical indicators: families of children and youth with special health care needs (cyshcn) partner in decision making at all levels and are satisfied with the services they receive; (partnering with providers) children and youth with special health care needs receive coordinated ongoing comprehensive care within a medical home; (medical home) families of cyshcn have adequate private and/or public insurance to pay for the services they need; (financing) children are screened early and continuously for special health care needs; (early screening - epsdt) community-based services for children and youth with special health care needs are organized so families can use them easily; (navigating community services) youth with special health care needs receive the services necessary to make transitions to all aspects of adult life, including adult health care, work, and independence. (transition)
The mission of vsa Idaho is to empower and engage people with disabilities in the creative process through opportunities which are fully inclusive, educational and participatory. Vsa Idaho's creative access artist in residence program provides art residencies in literary, performing and visual arts for pre-k-grade 12 students in public schools and community centers throughout the state of Idaho. The program provides students receiving special education services an in-depth, multi-faceted art curriculum over multiple sessions of instruction. The teaching artists participating in our program are experienced with specialized populations and have proven their ability to develop and perform exemplary arts education curriculum with excellent student learning outcomes. Our focus is in providing high quality arts experiences in alignment with national art standards and the guidelines for inclusion for students who receive special education services throughout Idaho school districts.
The parent training and information center ensures that Parents of children ages birth to 26 years with disabilities receive training and information on their rights, responsibilities, and protections under the individuals with disabilities education act (idea) in order to develop the skills necessary to cooperatively and effectively participate in planning and decision making relating to early intervention, educational, and transitional services. Information is provided on a variety of topics related to special education such as: inclusive classrooms, least restrictive environment for learning, section 504 - accommodations, dispute resolution, parent involvement, early childhood outcomes, universal design for learning, school based medicaid services, and secondary transition
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