Program areas at ICASA
Icjia voca: icasa allocated over 97% of voca (victims of crime act) funds to its 31 local Sexual Assault crisis centers to provide 24-hour hotline access to in-person medical advocacy, criminal justice advocacy, counseling, professional training, information and referral and institutional advocacy
Idhs-social services block grant: icasa allocated 79% of social service block grant funds to its 31 local rape crisis centers to support the crisis response including counseling and advocacy services to victims and prevention education services for the community. These services are available to 98% of the state's residents. 5% of the funds support the administrative, training institute, adn the communications funds of the coalitions where staff prepare applicaitons for funds and submit required financial and programmatic reports, monitor the 31 rape crisis centers for contract compliance, service standards and foscal management, plan and conduct annual trainings available to rape crisis center staff, produce and distribute publications to aid survivors and significant others and to increase public awareness of Sexual violence, manage website as a tool for victims, rape crisis workers, and the general public.
Idhs-general revenue: icasa allocated over 95% of general revenue funds to its 31 local rape crisis centers to support the crisis response including counseling and advocacy services to victims and prevention education services for the community. These services are available to 98% of the state's residents. 5% of the funds support the administrative, training institute, adn the communications funds of the coalitions where staff prepare applicaitons for funds and submit required financial and programmatic reports, monitor the 31 rape crisis centers for contract compliance, service standards and foscal management, plan and conduct annual trainings available to rape crisis center staff, produce and distribute publications to aid survivors and significant others and to increase public awareness of Sexual violence, manage website as a tool for victims, rape crisis workers, and the general public.
Attorney general - victim and witness assistance
U.s. department of justice - state domestic violence & Sexual Assault coalitions
Department of justice - legal assistance for victims
Illinois criminal justice information authority - vawa satellite funds
Illinois criminal justice information authority - sasp
Us dept of health & human services-cdc rpe
Dept of human services- arpa fvpsa
Illinois department of public health-vawa prevention and block grant