Program areas at In Flight
Individual residential alternative homes: In Flight offers adults with developmental disabilities the opportunity to live In individual or small-group living arrangements In the community. The residences provide a home-like environment for our clients, so they may be helped to experience living independently, making meaningful choices, communicate freely and receive effective services.
Residential habilitation services: this program provides supervised services with staff on-site or available at all times, within proximity, when the individuals are present. This service assists the individual with acquisition, retention, or improvements of self-help skills related to activities of daily living, such as personal grooming and cleanliness, household chores, etc. These services are provided at the person's place of residence.
Day habilitation services provided to consumers: In Flight provides, In a large group setting, a combination of services to developmentally disabled adults whose functional behavior defects limit their ability to function independently.
Supportive apartments: this program provides practice In independent living under variable amounts of oversight delivered In accordance with the individual's needs for supervision.
Supported employement service: this program provides person-centered support to individuals seeking competitive employment, helping individuals to explore and develop, obtain, and maintain a paid, competitive job In his or her community.
Community based prevocational services: services that are aimed at preparing an individual for paid employment, but which are not job task oriented. Services include teaching such concepts as compliance, attending to task, task completion, problem solving and safety.
Respite: this program provides temporary, short-term relief for families and care providers which enables them to arrange for their vacations, emergency coverage In the event of family or provider illness or death or for a break from constant, intensive participant care and supervision.