Program areas at FICGN
General programs - under our general programs umbrella, ficgn has poured into our narrative change initiative. In january 2023, we proudly unveiled our commitment to adopting person-first language, advocating for the cessation of harmful terminology often used when referencing individuals with conviction histories. In addition, we've taken tangible steps towards supporting students in reentry by establishing a scholarship fund aimed at removing financial barriers that hinder their pursuit of higher education and degree completion.
Network development - ficgn has made strides in supporting our growing membership within our Network development program area. Over the course of the 2022-23 fiscal year, we successfully expanded our membership base, welcoming 186 new members from 22 different states, thus strengthening our Network's reach and impact. Furthermore, we prioritized member engagement by conducting 27 one-on-one interviews, gaining valuable insights into our members' career aspirations and understanding how best to provide tailored support, which, in turn, informs our program development efforts.
Capss - our center for academic programs and student success (capss) has been actively engaged in advancing educational opportunities for Incarcerated individuals. In 2022-23, we participated in four conferences and panels dedicated to prison education, fostering valuable discussions and collaborations within the field. Additionally, our team conducted three on-site visits to correctional facilities, facilitating meaningful interactions with colleges and Incarcerated students to better understand their education and post-release employment needs. Furthermore, under capss, ficgn proudly served as a technical assistance provider for a prominent national program, ready for pell, assisting prison education programs in preparing for the utilization of pell grants, furthering our commitment to supporting access to quality education within correctional settings.