Program areas at Incharge Debt Solutions
Credit counseling and education - this program assists consumers in managing their personal finances through the provision of solutions-based credit counseling, budget planning and financial educational materials. Solutions-based counseling is designed to find the right solution for each Debt distressed consumer. Nearly 74,000 financially distressed individuals received credit counseling, and financial educational materials during 2023. Financial educational materials assist consumers in acquiring and improving money management skills and managing credit. Credit counseling services are offered in person for individuals residing in the central Florida area, and nationally over the telephone and through the internet.
Housing counseling and education - ids is a local u.s. department of housing and urban development ("hud") approved agency in the state of Florida and a member of the national foundation for credit counseling ("nfcc"), which enables ids to serve consumers on a nationwide basis. Housing counseling services include foreclosure prevention counseling, homebuyer education, and pre-purchase homebuyer counseling. Foreclosure prevention counseling is designed to provide existing borrowers with information and assistance needed to avoid foreclosure. Program highlights include budget planning, evaluation of eligibility for loan modification, assessment of ability to sustain home ownership, and alternative housing options. Homebuyer education is designed to better prepare potential homeowners for homeownership. Participants examine their housing needs, analyze their financial situation, and learn strategies to improve financial management in an effort to better prepare for homeownership. Participants also learn how to shop for a home, obtain a mortgage and prepare for life as a homeowner. Pre-purchase homebuyer counseling, a personal one-on-one session, is offered to provide education and tips to assist potential homebuyers in improving financial management skills and understanding alternative sources of funding and mortgage options. During 2023 approximately 7,700 housing counseling sessions were conducted.
Debt management - ids offers Debt management programs to assist consumers in paying off their unsecured debts and to better manage their financial obligations in the future. Ids processes Debt payments, attempts to secure a reduction in interest rates, and attempts to establish affordable monthly payments on the clients' behalf. Clients are provided initial and continuing educational assistance through financial educational materials and guidance in financial matters as determined by their needs.
Bankruptcy counseling and debtor education - bankruptcy legislation enacted by congress in 2005 requires individuals filing for bankruptcy to complete a bankruptcy credit counseling session prior to filing, and an instructional course in personal financial management (debtor education) prior to receiving a bankruptcy discharge. To offer convenient, on-demand access to this required content, ids provides interactive web-based and telephonic bankruptcy credit counseling and web-based debtor education programs. Both programs issue certificates to individuals who complete each program as required by the title 11 bankruptcy code. During 2023, approximately 6,500 certificates were issued to bankruptcy petitioners evidencing their successful completion of the bankruptcy credit counseling session and the personal financial management course.
Financial literacy outreach - ids, in conjunction with its supporting organization, Incharge education foundation, conducts numerous financial literacy workshops, and home buyer education classes for the general public. The goal of each outreach event is to improve the financial capabilities of attendees by providing relevant information and tools concerning personal finance, money management, the responsible use of credit, and the home buying process.