Program areas at Independence Northwest
CORE Provide Peer Counseling, Independent Living Skills and Advocacy to 317 consumers with disabilities to promote independence, productivity and quality of life in the areas of employment, housing, transportation, transition from nursing facilities to community living and diversion from nursing facility placement, education, youth transition, among other self-identified goal areas. Provide information and referral to 712 people with disabilities, their families, other service providers and the general public.
Money Follows the Person Aging and Disability Resource Centers Assisted people with disabilities and elders to prevent unnecessary placement in nursing facilities. Provided transition services to 148 consumers and transitioned 26 out of nursing facilities. Provided services to 157 elder veterans individually and in groups to obtain benefits and maintain community living. Provided IL Core services to 29 people who are deaf or hard of hearing, including tax preparation services through VITA.
HOPWA and PART B Under HOPWA Housing Opportunities for People Living with HI AIDS, assisted 43 people and their families to achieve their housing goal, in addition to other independent living goals, through skills instruction, advocacy, peer support and tenant based, financial rental assistance. Under Part B provided financial assistance to 44 people for purchase of goods and services that support community-based living and support independence.