Program areas at Independent Living Resources
Independent Living centers (ilcs) help people with disabilities achieve or maintain more self-sufficient and productive lives in their communities. People with disabilities are assisted in exploring alternatives to institutionalization and are encouraged to make their own decisions about how they will live. Ilcs directly provide or coordinate through referral those services which assist people in increasing their abilities to exercise control over their lives. Control over one's life means having a choice of acceptable options that minimize reliance on others in making decisions and performing every day activities. This includes managing one's own affairs, participating in day-to-day community life, and fulfilling a range of social roles.
Independent Living Resources, Inc. is an active participant of the la crosse collaborative to end homelessness. It is made up of several community providers, funders, and homeless consumers who act as an advisory council. There is one staff who coordinates meetings of several member committees, secures funding, collects data, develops sub contracts with members, provides training, and drives the entire process to be cohesive. Ilr has two subcontracts for two outreach staff and for prevention funds. Catholic charities is the fiscal agent for all their activities and funding.
Ilr has negotiated a variety of contracts/agreements with funding sources such as county human services ccs & other programs, dvr, iris, clts waiver, and mcos for fee-based services. Ilr is reimbursed in different ways; by the hour, quarter hour, or completed assessment. All services are based on individual referral authorizations via referrals email.
Grant from division of mental health & substance abuse to accomplish the following outcomes: -provide ongoing support/technical assistance to eight dhs funded peer run organizations (pro), so they meet dhs requirements. -develop statewide peer leadership through activities to support pro's resulting in statewide training. -provide timely reimbursement to consumers who participate in state sponsored meetings. Rave is a consumer run drop-in center for persons Living with mental health/substance use disorders located in la crosse. The drop-in center is open monday-friday from 9-5 and is staffed by peer specialists. The staff are all persons Living with a mental health/substance use disorder and have successfully completed a 48 hour peer specialist certification course. Rave provides a safe, comfortable, and accepting place to meet and visit with peers to have a cup of coffee, to read the daily newspaper to find out about community Resources, to get help with job searches, to use the computers, play pool, paint a picture, do crafts, or whatever helps with personal recovery. Mental health/substance use disorder recovery is a journey of healing and transformation enabling people to live meaningful lives in the community while striving to achieve his/her full potential.