Program areas at IAG
Department of human services (dhs) community integrated living arrangement (cila) program serves individuals with developmental disabilities on a 24 hour a day or 15 hour a week intermittent basis as determined by need. Iag served over 200 individuals in the cila program. 208 clients served.
Department of human services short term stabilization homes (ssh)provide comprehensive clincal interventions, person-centered, holistic care, and positve and sustainable behavioral interventions to stabilize individuals referred to program within 30 to 90 days with a succcessful return to community placement. There are 10 clients served in this program
Individual support option (iso) is a medicaid waiver program administrated by the department of disability services (dds) in Washington, d.c. The iso requires that all participating individuals meet waiver intellectual disability/developmental eligibility requirements, reside in general community housing, single family homes or apartments, and have no more than three people residing at a residential site. The program also includes day habilitation and vocational supports, behavioral/mental health therapies and, as needed, skilled nursing services. 32 clients served.
All other accomplishmentsthe day program and the subcontract day program are developmental training programs that help people with developmental and other disabilities acquire interpersonal skills for participating in the community through work training and community activity programs. The day program also provide services to most of our 224 cila individuals. The intermediate care facility for the Individual with an intellectual disability (icfiid) developmental training (dt) program is part of the 24-hour medicaid entitlement program for children and adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities who meet eligibility requirements. The dt program is a subcontract with an icfiid with a licensed dt provider for five days per week over 12 months providing 240 days of service to individuals who reside at the icfiid. Iag provides dt services for more than 153 people from 5 icfiid. The program provides training and supports ranging from self care and professional hygiene training to community activities and internet learning program based on Individual needs and interests.the dhs traumatic brain injury (tbi) waiver program provides a stay at home option to nursing home placement for children and adults who have sustained a tbi. Individuals with a tbi may elect to stay at home and use case coordinators to identify and locate necessary supports ranging from a personal assistant to visiting nurse to home modification for accessibility. Iag provides ongoing case coordination for people who have successfully remained at home rather than placement in a nursing the host family program, a family accepts one or two adult individuals with an intellectual or developmental disability into their home as family members. The host family contracts with iag for payment of its support and services.dhs therapy and behavioral services are provided by licensed professionals who are certified (npi) medicaid providers. Therapists provide interventions for individuals or groups with issues ranging from severe mental illness or post trauma disorders to interpersonal relationships. Behavioral, services are provided by ph,d./psy,p. Licensed psychologists or certified behavior analysts for individuals with severe and persistent behavioral disorders. 153 people in iag's cila program received therapy and/or support each year.home based services program is part of the waiver program for children and adults with an intellectual disability/developmental disability. Iag supports individuals and their families to continue home based living, by assisting them in acquiring needed personal equipment such as an e.g. And a wheelchair.short term stabilization homes program (ssh) funded by Illinois department of human services (idhs), division of developmental disabilities, the ssh program will provide, upon referral from the division of developmental disabilities (ddd), short term stabilization residential services for up to 90 days to adults with an intellectual or developmental disability who are experiencing active behavioral conditions.