Program areas at Indy Public Safety Foundation
Indy peace - gun violence reduction strategy - Indy peace was established in 2022 in partnership with the city of indianapolis office of Public health & Safety and is part of the citys gun violence reduction strategy. Indy peace is a community based, data-driven program to reduce gun violence. The program served over 150 individuals at high risk of committing gun violence, provided resources and referrals to over 2,500 individuals. The program also provided awareness and education to 5,000 community members. Indy peace and partners are responsible for the 32%+ reduction in gun violence in indianapolis since the peak in 2021.
Indy champions - a program staffed by survivors of domestic violence, Indy champions aims to streamline support and resources for victims and survivors of domestic violence. In 2023, Indy champions served over 1,100 survivors, provided over $75,000 in barrier buster support and trained over 1,000 individuals about domestic violence.
Ipsf assisted with reward and recognition, both on a formal and informal basis. This included awards banquets as well as informal methods for providing immediate feedback and recognition, like challenge coins. Ipsf assisted with supplies, equipment, and resources for specialty units, such as the impd swat team and the impd k9 unit.
Indy center for conflict resolution - the Indy center for conflict resolution has been operational since 2019 but became a program of ipsf in 2021. This program provides community-based mediation and conflict resolution coaching. In 2023, the center conducted over 20 full mediations and provided coaching and training to over 350 community members.
Indy pal - in partnership with impd, ipsf continued to invest in the Indy police athletic & activities league (Indy pal) program, which aims to utilize sports and activities to engage under-represented youth and law enforcement. The Indy pal program served youth ages 10 to 18 years of age in 2023.