Program areas at Ink Global Foundation
The purpose of Ink Global Foundation is to accelerate the journeys of game changers from across the globe - including supporting Ink fellows from india and other fellows we may choose from the rest of the world. Further, the Foundation will support other programs designed supporting the sustainable development goals. The purpose of the Foundation is met by: -providing necessary resources and international exposure to the Global innovators from across india as well as outside india -establishing a network of physical and online activities, thus creating a strong peer and resource network that is sustainable and replicable. -host events and gatherings to research and cultivate a Global donor base that wants to support the Foundation activities
In addition, we are designing women's Ink, which is a fellowship to identify and nurture mid career women (focus on diversity of discipline, age, economic strata, disability) the mission of all the programs hosted by the Foundation is to accelerate the journey of changemakers, by giving them a platform for international exposure, a strong peer network, spurring collaborations, funding and mentorship support. We aim to identify these changemakers and help them succeed, by giving voice to their untold stories and visibility to their innovative solutions.
Currently, our program selects and supports innovators from across the globe who are working towards persistent international issues and creating solutions that can be used and adapted worldwide. Started in 2010, the Ink fellows program is a Global cross-disciplinary community of young path- breakers who, we believe, will be the shapers of tomorrow. Every year, from thousands of applications, we identify 20 young minds that are redefining their fields of expertise and the world around them. Today the program has grown into a steadfast network of over-220 young thinkers from diverse disciplines and continents.