Program areas at Inn Along the Way
the Inn itself - a sturdy, traditional but elegant Maine farmhouse - is the starting point for iaw's primary programs. the facility provides space to support short-term respite care and supportive well-being services. In january 2023, the Inn completed renovations on five guest rooms (three with a shared bathroom; two with bathroom en suite), a living room a meeting room, a dining room, a kitchen, and office space. With the renewed facilities, iaw now hosts visitors and provides a comforting space for grrief and support group meetings. Additionally, the Inn is a gathering point for weekly "lunches with the bunches", nutritious meals prepared by volunteers and offered to the general public by donation. the meals foster a sense of belonging and community breaking down the socio-economic barriers that can separate and isolate people. Just steps from the farmhouse, two large barns provide additional space for iaw and local programs and celebrations.
Iaw entertainment events are open to the community-at-large and have featured "open mic and "singing circle" gatherings. Voluntary donations at these events are recognized as revenue.
In its continuing efforts to become a community hub for the arts, Inn Along the Way hosted a rich variety of programs such as: "empty hand empty bush", "plein air farm painting", a "collage workshop", a "swedish art workshop and "bough-making in the barn". the space and comfort of the iaw campus meant that those initiatives could seamlessly coincide with on-going regular grief and caregivers support groups.
In 2023,iaw community-outreach programs and activities included:"grief and resilience" "cleftstone suffering support group;"circle of care;"conversation circle" a monthly community-offered public forum;"becoming mortal", a support group for those for those who are aging and want to confront end-of-life issues;and a"suicide loss support group".