Program areas at Institute for Healthcare Advancement
Publications - iha writes and publishes the what to do for health book series, self-help health books written at a 3rd to 5th grade reading level. Each book in this easy-to-read, easy to-use series is well organized, with accompanying illustrations, and information presented with four basic questions: what is it? What do i see? What can i do at home? And when do ineed to call the nurse or doctor? All titles are available in english or spanish, and severaltitles are also available in other translations including burmese, chinese, korean, orvietnamese. To date, over 6 million books have been sold throughout the united states andinternationally. Additionally, iha has launched a "micro-pub" series, smaller/shorterpublications focusing on chronic health conditions (such as diabetes and high blood pressure)and mental health issues (including anxiety).
Health literacy programs - a fee-based consulting service is available to organizations wishing to make their health information more accessible, understandable, and usable to their audience. Rewriting services, trainings, health literacy systems integration, and program implementation are offered. The Institute launched "health literacy research and practice" in 2017, an open access, peer-reviewed online journal, to serve health literacy professionals.iha developed a portal for health literacy professionals, the health literacy solutions center. This portal provides health literacy professionals a way to network with one another, advance their professional development, find, and share resources, and participate in educational activities. Membership on the site is free. The site also hosts a discussion list, with a base of more than 16,000 health literacy professionals. In addition, iha launched itsassessment-based health literacy specialist certificate for health literacy professionals in november 2021.
La habra family resource center - this program provides a complete, family-centered support system, working with community resources that can address the health, emotional, social, and environmental needs of children and their families throughout north orange county. Services under this program include: family advocacy, parenting education classes, domestic violence and child abuse prevention efforts, information and referral services, individual/family/group counseling, legal help, and more.