Program areas at Institute for jewish Spirituality
Clergy leadership program (clp) is an eighteen-month, immersive, practice-based program designed for Jewish clergy and spiritual leaders from across the Jewish community to deepen their spiritual lives through study and a variety of Jewish contemplative practices grounded in mindfulness. Through retreat, interim study with a chevrutah (practice partner), regular personal practice, faculty mentorship, and support from a dedicated community of practice, participants learn to access an inner well of calm and clarity, resilience, compassion, authenticity, and gratitude that nourishes and sustains them from the inside out in service to the larger community.
Hevraya, or "community of friends," is an essential companion program open to the more than 550 alumni of our clergy leadership program, who collectively serve over 250,000 people. Hevraya provides vital ongoing teaching and support to clp graduates as they deepen their spiritual practices and bring the work back to their communities. Offerings include monthly online prayer and practice sessions and an annual five-day in-person retreat.
Yesod: foundations for deepening Jewish mindfulness meditation is a ten-month online program in partnership with or ha lev Jewish Spirituality & meditation that offers students with an established meditation practice a new, systematic, stage-by-stage approach to deepen mindfulness meditation skills within an authentic Jewish spiritual framework.
In addition to these programs, we also run several online courses for students seeking to develop Jewish spiritual practices. Courses include gift of awareness, awareness in action, text study based on the weekly torah portion, and several courses focused on prayer study such as hitbodedut, liturgical prayer, and amidah. We also provide free online courses such as a weekly yoga studio and daily meditation sit.