Program areas at Institute for Local Government
Sustainability: ilg's sustainable and resilient communities pillar provides capacity building services, technical support, partnership development, and educational resources to help cities, counties, and special districts make more informed policies, plans, and decisions around climate planning, land use, housing, infrastructure, and engagement that results in more equitable, sustainable, and resilient communities. Ilg's flagship beacon program provides a framework for Local governments to share practices that create healthier, more efficient, and vibrant communities. Ilg also provides year-round resources and support to assist Local Government participants in their journey, including technical assistance, award recognition, peer-to-peer networking, and educational events as well as climate leadership opportunities.
Leadership and governance: ilg's leadership and governance pillar helps Local Government leaders build a foundation of trust, accountability, responsiveness, and transparency. This important work increases public confidence and trust in the Local decision-making process by helping Local officials understand public service ethics principles and laws, as well as the tools available to help promote effective governance. Ilg helps develop leadership skills that allow civil servants to operate with civility and decorum and increase public trust. Ilg provides a wide range of virtual and in-person trainings, facilitated discussions and workshops on topics ranging from: effective leadership and culture; civility and bridging divides; effective councils and boards; personal and organizational ethics (ab 1234); anti-harassment training (ab 1661); good governance; roles and responsibilities of elected officials vs staff.
Public engagement: inclusive public engagement is a cornerstone of ilg's work and expertise. Ilg uses a tailored, responsive, and customized approach to help cities, counties, and special districts plan, execute, and evaluate authentic public engagement efforts. Ilg helps Local agencies engage with diverse, under-represented, or disengaged populations, while also helping reach out to and partner with community-based organizations to inform, design, and implement, customized public engagement processes that tackle a wide range of pressing Local issues. This important work helps build the capacity of California Local governments to advance equity and public engagement in their communities through peer learning and collaboration, training, coaching, technical assistance, and facilitation. Ilg's public engagement services include workshops, customized public engagement trainings, strategic planning, and consultation, meeting and committee facilitation and convenings and stakeholder engagement.
Workforce development and civics education: ilg's workforce and civics education pillar demystifies what Local Government is, why it matters, and how to effectively serve or lead in cities, counties, and special districts, in addition to educating students and the general public on the purpose of Local Government and how to get involved through civic engagement and robust youth workforce programs. Ilg also assists agencies with filling the workforce pipeline with diverse and qualified applicants. Ilg supports agency's workforce and civic education goals through a wide range of virtual and in-person services. Ilg is an intermediary for registered apprenticeships and is building an online resource hub that includes a suite of materials and resources. Ilg also offers in-person trainings and project support on work-based learning programs through higher education outreach, partnership development, and next generation outreach.