Program areas at IFR
All other accomplishments various other programs.
Family resource services - over 1250 unique parent/caregivers and over 300 children were served through the various services and activities offered through our frc. Services included individual therapy, group therapy, information and referral, family advocacy, developmental screenings, parenting classes, case management, clinical casse management, care management through differential response, health workshops, parent leadership training. Community events, support groups for men and women, food pantry, diaper bank, and early literacy classes. Of all participants, about 30% participated in more than one service. When administered participant surveys, between 89-99% of parents/caregivers reported feeling able to ask for help and advocate for their families need; confident in their ability to help their children grow; able to talk to someone for advice on helping their children feeling able to cope with everyday demands of parenting, welcomed and respected by staff; felt that they learned from staff about available resources and services; and overall satisfaction in the program. Families are requesting more services related to family engagement.
Roadmap to peace initiative- roadmap to peace is committed to improving the social, economic, health and safety outcomes of our most vulnerable latinx youth ages 13-24, who are system touched and impacted by violence. Grounded in a collective impact approach, roadmap to peace brings together diverse 7 partners organization and various stakeholders to innovate community solutions, change policy, and provide a comprehensive social support network for youth. Roadmap to peace provides coordinated care management services to 85 youth and young adults (9.4% female/90.6% male youth) 56 community care management participants and 29 in-custody care management participants. In addition to care management services, we provide educational & career coaching, job readiness & life skill workshops, job placement, ged, substance abuse counseling, mental health counseling,psycho-educational workshops, health education, medical enrollment, medical services, anger management, parenting education, and other supportive services. We connect participants with meaningful community building and cultural opportunities such as cultural affirmation workshops, sweat lodge, cultural community events, community town hall, etc.