Program areas at Integrated Supports for Living
Is Living provides a variety of services through program income and contracts/subsidies provided by governmental agencies under a medicaid agency certification, endorsements with Oregon department of human services including vocational rehabilitation (vr) for employment services, as well as other private contracts for services provided by the Oregon employment division.
Housing - the housing program provides property management services to those who fall within the is Living mission statement. This includes providing affordable housing for seniors and people with disabilities, as well as providing assistance to other social service organizations in the mid-willamette valley. The housing program is responsible for management of the properties owned by is living.silvertowne - located in silverton, Oregon, silvertowne apartments is a 40 unit housing complex for low-income seniors and people with disabilities. The complex was funded through rural development section 515 low-interest loans. Approximately 85% of the tenants receive either rd or hud section 8 rental assistance.tamarack court, llc - located in la grande, Oregon, tamarack court, llc (tamarack court) is an Oregon limited liability company. It is a wholly owned subsidiary acquired on december 31, 2015, and operates a 32-unit, low-income housing project funded through Oregon housing and community services department pursuant to ors 456.554. Approximately 94% of the tenants receive hud section 8 rental integration progress (cip ii) homes - is Living is under contract with the Oregon department of human services (dhs) office of home and community support to maintain ownership and to provide property management services for three residential properties: two in newberg, Oregon, and one in albany, Oregon. As property manager, is Living leases cip ii homes exclusively for use as homes for people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities to dhs-selected and approved service providers. Rent is received to cover mortgage payments, insurance, and administrative expenses. Under this contract, dhs provides vacancy subsidies and financial assistance for maintenance services as necessary.
Career and employment services - to help prepare people for real jobs, is Living's career services division offers a variety of customized employment services which align with Oregon's employment first initiative. Employment path services are available through our contract services division. for many of the people we serve, this program provides a bridge for our clients to the community. While offering an interactive hands-on experience, they build confidence and composure in preparation for employment in an Integrated, community based job. Is Living currently provides learning opportunities for peoplle in packaging, janitorial, and landscaping services, which we offer in the community.while taking part in these services, individuals learn skills and achieve goals which they can use when they are ready for Integrated community employment. Is Living provides custodial/janitorial and landscape services throughout the willamette valley. Every member of our "crews" are conitnually learning new skills and how to perform their optimum ability. There is a sense of camaraderie on each "team and a feeling of belonging. When an individual is ready to explore a more regular job, working in a particular industry or area, they become part of our employment path program, where they work with a job developer to find just the right job fit for their likes and skill sets. Employment first is based on premise that everyone, including people with intellectual/developmental disabilities, are not only capable of having and retaining jobs in the the community, but want to have jobs in the community. Since implementation of this initiative Oregon has invested in system change efforts which will result in increased community based, Integrated employment opportunities.