Program areas at Inter Parish Ministry
IPM has transformed the traditional food pantry model by meeting families where they are - in addition to our new food pantry where neighbors can shop inside or go through our drive through, IPM has an extensive network of mobile food pantries and pop-up pantries that meet our neighbors where they live, learn, play and pray. We bring food curbside to our neighbors by showing up at schools, churches, affordable housing complexes and many other locations right in their community. Additionally, IPM serves as a Food Resource Hub for over 45 school districts and social service agencies (i.e., Veterans Affairs, Boys & Girls Club and WIC) by coordinating distribution and delivery of emergency food boxes. We provide shelf stable food along with fresh produce, dairy, eggs, meat and more (including personal care items) to ensure a thriving, food-secure community.
Our Christmas program empowers caregivers to be heroes by giving them a chance to pick out the gifts for their children. We were joined by 33 community partners to collect more than 6,000 gifts and then set up a "store" where caregivers could come shop. We were able to serve more than 1,000 children and adults.
Families and individuals moving into new housing after being homeless, incarcerated or out of a recovery program are faced with many challenges. IPM's innovative Fresh Start Kitchen provides individuals with a fresh start in their homes by filling the kitchen with groceries, spices, baking supplies and general kitchen items. Individuals can fill their kitchen with brand new items they select: from dishes and utensils to pots & pans and a microwave. We believe the kitchen is the heart of the home and brings families together in good and bad times. Fresh Start Kitchen gives our neighbors more than just a fresh start, it provides dignity, respect and hope.
We helped out 1 neighbor with emergency assistance in July 2023.