Program areas at Intercultural Development Research Association
Visioncoders is a federal program that implements a new eighth grade computer science course being developed by idra in partnership with Texas a&m university - san antonio (tamusa) and seven bexar county school districts. In this course, middle school students who are in at-risk situations will become software designers who create educational games for pre-kindergarten and first grade students in their communities. Visioncoders also integrates focused teacher training through a masters level course through tamusa. Participating school districts include east central, edgewood, harlandale, somerset, south san antonio, south side, and southwest isd's.
The youth leadership now program is a federally funded program that partners with education service center (esc), region 19, in el paso, Texas area to implement the program in 12 schools in Texas and new mexico. Yln is an in-school program where eighth grade "high need" students tutor kindergarten and first grade students. The project integrates idra's intergenerational family leadership in education model, education cafe, to engage families and yln tutors in action equity projects.
The Development fund provides resources for mission-critical and priority program services not supported by external funding and for the Development of new programs. For example, the Development fund facilitates the external dissemination of knowledge about the best teaching practices in classrooms with diverse students, the creation of materials that specifically address the needs of traditionally underserved students, and Research on school finance and other indicators tied to the quality of education that all students receive. The educational services this fund supports have a direct impact on families and educators.