Program areas at Interior Aids Association
Hiv services - with the housing opportunities for people with Aids (hopwa) and ryan white part b grants, iaa provided case management and support services, incuding assistance with medication, medical care, nutrition, transportation, housing, and utilities to 34 hiv+ clients. Iaa's case manager assists clients in accessing needed services from all possible sources, reserving grant funds as payment of last resort.
Hiv prevention - with the hiv prevention grant from the state/cdc and a grant from the national Aids fund (naf) iaa provides hiv testing, street outreach, and hiv risk reduction education to populations at risk in the fairbanks area. Naf (private foundation) funds support northern exchange, a syringe exchange program. In fiscal year 2023, iaa administered 98 hiv tests and 71 hepititas c tests, distributed 6,000 condoms and helped to reduce risk through outreach and education.
Interior medication assisted treatment (imat) - a comprehensive medication - assisted behavioral health treatment and recovery program. This substance abuse treatment program fits in iaa's hiv prevention mission. From july 1, 2022 to june 30, 2023, imat served 63 patients, providing 48 treatment sessions from akaims and 6,707 in medication administration sessions (in person).