Program areas at IBP
Country work - in five countries in africa and asia, ibp's spark (strengthening public accountability for results and knowledge) initiative is partnering with large, powerful civic organizations and social movements to help them understand the fiscal challenges behind poor service delivery and equip them with the knowledge and tools necessary to effectively advocate for improved public spending.
Tax - enhancing the capacities of diverse civic actors and coalitions in africa and at the global level to achieve increased transparency, greater civic participation in tax deliberations, and movement toward more equitable revenue collection.
Research - ibp's open Budget initiative is a global research and advocacy program that promotes public access to government Budget information and the adoption of accountable Budget systems. The initiative's flagship research product, the bi-annual open Budget survey, is the world's only independent, comparative assessment of the three pillars of public Budget accountability: transparency, oversight and participation.
Training and technical assistance - developing the knowledge and skills of partner organizations in undertaking Budget analysis and advocacy, through direct technical assistance as well as support for horizontal learning among the partners.
Advocacy - working with a range of actors, including donor and International institutions, governments, national and International cso's, associations of public finance professionals and oversight institutions, and, recently, private sector investors to develop and implement global norms and standards for Budget transparency, public participation, and accountability.
Global initiative for fiscal transparency - working to advance and institutionalize global norms and significant, continuous improvements on fiscal transparency, participation, and accountability in countries around the world.
Communications - the communications team is responsible for the public face of the ibp and for providing strategic support to its partners and allies. Communications collaborates with other ibp programs to increase the capacity of its civil society partners around the world to effectively engage in government Budget processes - and the impact of such engagement - and to improve the context in which these groups do their Budget work.
Learning - investigating and documenting the methods and impact of civil society Budget work at the national and subnational level by working on ibp's learning approach and mainstream it on all ibp's programs.