Program areas at International Center for Research on Women
Research & programs: Research & programs focuses on Research areas: gender, health, youth and development, violence, rights & inclusion, and gender, economic empowerment & livelihoods. The gender,health, youth & development portfolio focuses on adolescent health and wellbeing, sexual and reproductive health along with the reduction ofstigma related to hiv as well as the prevention of child marriage in low- and middle-income countries. The violence, rights and inclusion portfolio focuses on the prevention of violence against Women and girls as well as the inclusion of marginalized populations into all aspects of society. The gender, economic empowerment and livelihoods portfolio works to promote the development and advance womens economic empowerment.
Africa regional office: icrw's africa regional office in nairobi, kenya and kampala, uganda works to expand our efforts to promote gender equitable development and respond to the pressing challenges facing Women and girls and their communities in eastern africa. We collaborate closely with local, regional and International partners to undertake field Research and program work. We communicate our findings and experience to policy makers through advocacy efforts that are grounded in sound evidence and data.
Asia regional office: icrw's asia regional office in new delhi is a regional hub to expand our efforts to promote gender equitable development and respond to the pressing challenges facing Women and girls and their communities in south asia. The asia regional office employs over 50 local staff. Icrw examines the realities of complex, interlinked issues and focuses the office serves the region including bangladesh, cambodia, china, thailand, vietnam and nepal with an eye towards further expansion. We collaborate closely with local, regional and International partners to undertake field Research and program work. We communicate our findings and experience to policy makers through advocacy efforts that are grounded in sound evidence and data.