EIN 36-2167755

International Citycounty Management Association

IRS 501(c) type
Num. employees
Year formed
Most recent tax filings
NTEE code, primary
ICMA advances professional local government worldwide through leadership, management, innovation, and ethics, with a priority focus on attracting and retaining members.
Total revenues
Total expenses
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Num. employees

Program areas at International Citycounty Management Association

Services to local governments:global programs services to local governments - the usaid efficient, effective, and strong governance (erat) project has facilitated the establishment of 37 innovations to enhance the quality of policy implementation and service delivery, and has provided training to 1,110 individuals to strengthen local governance and fiscal Management within 30 district governments across indonesia. - the usaid philippines cities for enhanced governance and engagement (change) project developed the capacities of over 3,000 local government and civil society members to advance common agendas in 9 cities in the philippines and further engaged participants from 68 other cities, 447 municipalities, and 42 provinces in conferences and webinars. - as a subcontractor to tetra tech, provided usaid's clean cities, blue ocean (ccbo) program with governance and capacity building tools and technical assistance that helped over 20 cities in 10 countries to prevent ocean plastic pollution by improving their land-based solid waste Management systems. - in 2023, icma hosted 75 young professionals from 11 countries working in sustainable development and the environment as a part of the young southeast asian leaders initiative professional fellows program funded by the u.s. department of state. - the usaid central tibetan administration capacity building and sustainability initiative (cta-cbsi) project has worked to develop institutional development index assessment toolkits tailored to data Management, human resources, and department level capacity assessment and improvement. Icma also completed a cooperative assessment tool for economic development, collaborating with 18 tibetan cooperatives. Icma's sub-awardee, umc, also conducted gis mapping exercises of 9 tibetan settlements across india. - the u.s. department of energy funded solsmart program designated 24 communities in 2023, recognizing them for implementing best practices in solar planning, policy, and market development. The program also trained more than 450 local leaders in solar permitting, inspection, planning, zoning, and related topics. - solar@scale hosted several workshops in 2023, including in southwest new hampshire; larimer county, Colorado; north central Texas; and roanoke, Virginia. The 2nd edition of the solar@scale guidebook was released in march 2023. The project is funded by the u.s. department of energy. - in coordination with new york university langone health, icma presented city health dashboard sessions at the icma annual conference and the national league of cities summit. - in partnership with the u.s. environmental protection agency, icma administers the technical assistance to brownfields communities program for epa region 4 (Kentucky, Tennessee, north carolina, south carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, and Mississippi) providing technical assistance to local, regional, and state governments; nonprofit organizations; and other entities to help put land into productive use. Activities included workshops for new epa grantees, engaging in direct technical assistance with dozens of communities, and workshops at the national brownfields training conference. - with support from the bill & melinda gates foundation, icma provided funding, training, and information resources to local government leaders on boosting upward economic mobility for their residents. Activities included working with a cohort of 10 communities, online workshops and webinars, training at icma's annual conference and the national brownfields training conference, and a national survey of economic mobility policies and programs. - icma is a contracting partner with the International economic development council on the u.s. economic development administration-funded economic recovery corps, which places mid-career fellows in under-resourced communities nationwide to tackle critical economic recovery issues. Over the past year, the fellows and host communities were selected through a competitive process and matched together. - icma was selected by the u.s. environmental protection agency as a national thriving communities technical assistance center. As part of the startup, icma launched a project website as well as a technical assistance intake form and continued program promotion through engagement at partner convenings and conferences.global engagement: - completed and presented a dynamic roadmap for the implementation of icma's global engagement strategy. The roadmap includes contributions from all icma teams and aligns with the 4 goals and 17 objectives of the global engagement strategy. - completed internationalization training of all icma staff, the International committee, and the icma executive board. - organized and held the icma executive board meeting and the International committee meeting and study tour in the philippines in march 2023. - conducted research and held discussions with the board, International committee, and icma staff on operating model options for icma's global engagement journey and provided staff recommendations on a preferred operating model.for more information and to view annual reports, please visit icma's website at https://icma.org/annual-reports,
Membership:attracting and retaining members remains a core priority for icma. - the icma executive board approved a new dues structure in february 2022, which lowered dues for full members and added a discount for managers and assistants working in small communities. This new dues structure was unveiled to members and went into effect in october 2022. - efforts to recruit new members continued by working in partnership with state associations and by leveraging icma events and content we added 2,274 new members in fy 2023, including 529 new full members, 351 department director affiliate members, 553 entry- to mid-level affiliate members and 841 new members in various other membership categories such as affiliate nis, interns, fellows, professors, honorary, and retired members. We began the year with 12,697 total members and ended with 13,092, an increase of 3.11%. - supporting members, who were recovering from the lingering challenges of managing local governments during the twin pandemics of covid and social unrest, continued to be a critical focus of our efforts in fy 2023. - the senior advisor program continued to provide invaluable support to first-time administrators, members in transition, and professionals seeking advice. The program is based in 30 states, with 116 advisors serving all members, but with a focus on in-service members. - icma continued to provide career development support to members and the profession at large by engaging students in more than 120 chapters worldwide, placing approximately 30 recent graduates in Management fellowships, launching a new internship for high school students to grow interest in local government as a career, supporting a job platform that hosted more than 2,600 local government recruitments, and maintaining a roster of career guides to help members and career changers at all career stages. Supported more than 150 members monthly, who were transitioning between Management appointments. - icma's coaching program is committed to providing tools that help members achieve their professional career goals. Icma is able to provide 2 professional development tools, the coachconnect and coaching webinar programs, free of charge through a partnership with state associations. In fy 2023, 105 learners and 14 coaches joined the coachconnect program, for a total of 262 active learners and 331 active coaches. Members remained active on the platform, scheduling 138 coaching sessions in fy 2023. Individual coaching was supplemented with 6 complimentary coaching webinars offered by local government practitioners on a variety of topics selected in collaboration with our coaching partners. - icma's military programs continue to thrive with over 110 vlgmf host locations and 23 fellows placed in 2023, 9 of whom accepted local government positions. Our partnership with the army now includes a routine invite to speak at their institutional school for installation Management and the continuing city Management senior fellowship, which has 16 cohort 23 fellows. We are also focusing on building our relationship with colleges and universities to promote local government career opportunities to students who are using their gi bill. This group is mainly veterans, but also includes many family members, all who find value in their careers in public service. - icma's ethics program focused on providing advice, training, and content to address issues faced by members at all levels and aspects of local government. To that end, there were 11 editions of ethics matter, the monthly column in icma's pm magazine; unique content developed for the march edition of pm to celebrate ethics awareness month; presentations developed and delivered at state Association meetings; 2 sessions at the icma annual conference: "rebuilding public trust when an ethics breach shatters public confidence, and "exploring the many facets of ethics dilemmas on political activity; and training sessions developed for local government leadership and staff. - icma continued to recognize members for their individual accomplishments, career milestones, and programs that strengthen local government. Awards are promoted and celebrated in the september edition of icma's pm magazine, at the annual conference, on the website, and via social media. - sheleadsgov expanded its reach by including a cigna-sponsored virtual discussion, hosting the sheleadsgov luncheon, and increasing authors for the women in leadership column in pm magazine. On International women's day (march 8), icma and the league of women in government hosted the third annual sheleadsgov virtual forum, "balancing the blur: be a leader in your personal and professional life. Created with event sponsor and icma strategic partner cigna, more than 500 individuals participated in the day of inspiration filled with thought-provoking and motivational speakers and panelists. - the assistant chief administrative officers (acao) committee coordinated the "art of assistant leadership" session at the icma annual conference and authored a monthly column in pm magazine focused on the personal and professional approach to the role. This effort is part of icma's overall strategy to build cohorts at the functional level to support personal and professional career advancement. - the committee on professional conduct (cpc) members and staff conducted presentations on the code of ethics at state and affiliate meetings. A total of 135 ethics inquiries were submitted by members and addressed by staff. Code of ethics enforcement activities entailed addressing 79 formal ethics complaints alleging that a member's conduct may have violated the code. - as part of an executive board directive issued in june 2020, icma continued its review of the code to focus on better integrating the profession's long-standing ethical commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion into the 12 tenets. Feedback from over 600 members from 17 sessions shaped a survey sent to the membership in july 2022. The university of north carolina at chapel hill school of government consultant team conducted the survey analysis and provided initial recommendations to the cpc, which the cpc refined before making its recommendations to the icma executive board. In december 2022, the board approved the cpc's recommendation to place four changes to the tenets of the code before the members for consideration. The election to revise language in tenets 1, 4, 9, and 11 was open to voting members march 1-31, 2023. Via this special election ballot, 84% of corporate members voting approved the proposed changes. Notably, this special election holds the distinction of having the highest participation rate (31%) in icma's online voting history. The board also voted to approve the changes to the associated guidelines at its june 2023 meeting.
Professional development:leadership and professional development are key to building the capacity of our members and those hoping to lead local governments throughout the world. Among significant program accomplishments are: - integrated and launched a new learning Management system (lms) that enabled icma to modernize and expand the delivery of online learning. Major programs in the new lms for fy 2023 include: - 8 icma university webinars and 13 strategic partner-sponsored webinars. - effective supervisory practices 6-part webinar series with 747 participants. - budgeting guide 3-part series with 58 participants. - fundamentals in local government, a series of 10 e-courses designed for early-career professionals with 58 total participants. - provided professional development offerings catered to various career stages, including 6 online coaching webinars, and online and in-person certificate and micro certificate programs. - produced and delivered 17 micro certificates at the annual conference to more than 500 participants. - icma university delivered a successful icma gettysburg leadership institute with 35 participants, plus a separate icma gettysburg leadership institute for Tennessee university with 13 participants. Learning and networking opportunities through conferences:to serve the leadership and professional development needs of the local government community, icma held its 108th annual conference "achieving excellence together," september 17-21, 2022, in columbus, Ohio. There was an in-person option, as well as a digital component, of more than 203 learning opportunities, including access to 17 live-streaming sessions (including all four general sessions, as well as education sessions). The conference had 4,305 attendees for the in-person and digital components of this event.the 2023 icma local government reimagined conferences (formerly known as the icma regional conferences) brought more than 650 members and nonmembers together from around the world for these four events held in march and april 2023. Attendees discovered new leadership skills, strategies, and innovative solutions to help power their organizations and staff members to deliver success to their residents and communities. The 2nd icma equity summit, "ready or not! Moving from discourse to action," was held virtually july 28-29, 2022. Attendees engaged in conversations during the two-day event that provided deep dives on everything equity from accountability to zip codes. Participants were exposed to tools, ideas, and institutions to deepen strategies, shape actions, and create solutions. The event attracted 402 participants from 40 u.s. states and canada, composed of 167 paid icma member registrants, 155 paid nonmember registrants, and 80 complimentary attendees. A total of 247 unique organizations. Participants included chief local administrators (30%), equity officers or those with similar responsibilities (20%), department heads/directors and deputies (20%) and a range of other local government affiliations or connections. The event generated 20 inquiries about icma's next chief equity officer cohort.the 3rd cohort of equity officers, composed of 35 members, met in november and will continue meeting to plan the 3rd annual equity summit.five fellows from the cohort of 25 of the icma leadership institute on race, equity, and inclusion (partnership with the kettering foundation and the national civic league), presented their capstone projects at the icma annual conference in columbus, Ohio. The next cohort, a group of 20, met in-person at the kettering foundation in dayton, Ohio, in october.
Research and publications:icma develops significant research-based content on local governance. - published the fourth edition of our seminal work, the effective local government manager. - with support from the bill & melinda gates foundation, developed knowledge resources, including workshops, articles, and videos on economic mobility and opportunity for local government leaders and managers; hosted virtual and in-person open-access trainings; and facilitated a peer learning cohort for a select group of highly motivated local government stakeholders. - finalized a new survey data set and summary of local government cybersecurity policies and programs. - concluding several new and revised publications, including full-length books on tax increment financing, and a new edition of effective supervisory practices. - created new content on innovation through icma's local government reimagined initiative.outreach:to achieve our goals of ensuring future-ready leaders and positioning icma as a thought leader, we continued to focus on creating more engaging content to attract members and their staff and expand our outreach on priority topic areas. Examples include: - published 50 issues of leadership matters, with open rates of 35% for the member edition and 19% for the nonmember edition, and average click-through rates of 20% for the member edition and 9% for the nonmember edition. The total number of subscribers is 30,560, a 20% increase over previous year.- published 13 issues of the pm magazine monthly e-newsletter with over 22,000 subscribers, with an open rate of 34% and a click-through rate of 8%. - had 765 media placements, in which icma was either the primary focus of the article or had a quote or mention, reaching a total readership of 16.5 billion. - the icma website had over 1,859,793 million page views and 427,951 visitors. - the social media audience grew to 100,197 with 104,011 engagements and 91,199 referrals to icma.org. Content was viewed 3,270,373 times across networks and engagement increased by 19% over the previous year. - icma's media outreach efforts have resulted in successful coverage of a broad spectrum of issues. Those topics with the greatest reach include commentary from icma on issues of mental health, value of professional Management, and expertise on forms of local government. - icma's voices in local government podcast had 8,814 total downloads and 4,175 unique listeners. Episodes focused on promoting such icma events and programs as the annual conference, lgr conferences, brownfields, solar@scale, and vlgmp. It also highlighted priority topics, including career development, mental health, infrastructure, community engagement, and leadership. - the icma blog received 198,000 page views with posts that focused on the core content priority areas of racial equity and social justice, crisis Management, ethics, innovation, Management, community engagement, and leadership. - the icma connect community had 6,213 logins, 626 discussion posts, and 217 new threads.

Grants made by International Citycounty Management Association

GranteeGrant descriptionAmount
National League of Cities (NLC)Technical Assistance To Local Governments and Lend Expertise the Implementation of the Solsmart Program Management (Solsmart 2.0) Designed To Help Local Governments To Reduce Soft Cost Barriers To Solar Market Development and Made It Easier for Residents To Install Residential Solar Energy System.$103,252
World Resources Institute (WRI)Implementation of the Solsmart Program Management (Solsmart 2.0) Designed To Help Local Governments To Reduce Soft Cost Barriers To Solar Market Development and Made It Easier for Residents To Install Residential Solar Energy System.$52,256
American Planning AssociationImplementation of the Solar@scale Program Aims To Reduce Large-Scale Solar Soft Costs By Bringing Together Public- and Private-Sector Stakeholders To Identify Best Practices for Local Governments, Special Districts, and Other Authorities That Have Jurisdiction To Install Large-Scale Solar Projects.$40,150
...and 1 more grant made

Who funds International Citycounty Management Association

Grants from foundations and other nonprofits
National Democratic Institute for International AffairsPolitical Processes$854,646
Vishal FoundationTo Identify and Speed the Adoption of Leading Local Government Practices in Order To Improve the Lives of Residents.$9,000

Personnel at International Citycounty Management Association

Marc OttChief Executive Officer and Executive Director / Icma Executive Director$587,829
Sabina AgarunovaChief Financial Officer$214,275
Hemant DesaiChief Information Officer$170,029
Raymond BarayChief of Staff$236,400
Priscilla WilsonChief People Officer$198,543
...and 20 more key personnel

Financials for International Citycounty Management Association

RevenuesFYE 06/2023
Total grants, contributions, etc.$10,943,920
Program services$13,250,459
Investment income and dividends$1,079,003
Tax-exempt bond proceeds$0
Royalty revenue$2,611,463
Net rental income$-545,122
Net gain from sale of non-inventory assets$11,476
Net income from fundraising events$0
Net income from gaming activities$0
Net income from sales of inventory$0
Miscellaneous revenues$132,000
Total revenues$27,483,199

Form 990s for International Citycounty Management Association

Fiscal year endingDate received by IRSFormPDF link
2023-062024-05-14990View PDF
2022-062023-05-08990View PDF
2021-062022-05-03990View PDF
2020-062021-05-11990View PDF
2019-062021-01-28990View PDF
...and 10 more Form 990s
Data update history
July 22, 2024
Updated personnel
Identified 8 new personnel
July 19, 2024
Posted financials
Added Form 990 for fiscal year 2023
July 10, 2024
Used new vendors
Identified 4 new vendors, including , , , and
January 29, 2024
Updated personnel
Identified 1 new personnel
December 31, 2023
Received grants
Identified 2 new grant, including a grant for $9,000 from Vishal Foundation
Nonprofit Types
Grantmaking organizationsProfessional associationsBusiness and community development organizationsHeadquarter / parent organizationsCharities
Foreign affairsBusiness and industry
MembershipsPolitical advocacyLobbyingOperates internationallyNational levelReceives government fundingManagement and technical assistanceCommunity engagement / volunteeringProvides scholarshipsTax deductible donationsAccepts online donations
General information
777 N Capitol St Ne 500
Washington, DC 20002
Metro area
Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV
District of Columbia, DC
Website URL
(202) 962-3680
Facebook page
Twitter profile
IRS details
Fiscal year end
Taxreturn type
Form 990
Year formed
Eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions (Pub 78)
NTEE code, primary
S41: Promotion of Business
NAICS code, primary
813920: Professional Associations
Parent/child status
Central organization
California AB-488 details
AB 488 status
May Operate or Solicit for Charitable Purposes
Charity Registration status
Current - Awaiting Reporting
FTB status revoked
Not revoked
AG Registration Number
FTB Entity ID
None yet
AB 488 data last updated ("as-of") date
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