Program areas at INCOSE
Academic events and outreach:incose's International workshop is the event of the year for Systems engineers to contribute to the state of the art. Unlike incose's annual International symposium and other conferences, there are no paper, panel or tutorial presentations. Instead, attendees spend 4 days working alongside fellow Systems engineers who are there to make a difference. Systems engineers at all levels and from all backgrounds are encouraged to engage in working sessions, and contribute their knowledge and experience to take the discipline forward.incose's annual International symposium is the largest worldwide annual gathering of people who do Systems Engineering for four days of presentations, case studies, workshops, tutorials and panel discussions. The program attracts an International mix of professionals at all levels, and includes practitioners in government and industry, as well as educators and researchers. The benefits of attending the symposium include the opportunity to share ideas, network, build competency, pursue certification, contribute to the advancement of the profession through collaboration on tools, processes and methodologies, learn about new offerings in training and education, and forge new addition, incose has an active academic and outreach program.
Certification:certification is a formal process whereby a community of knowledgeable, experienced, and skilled representatives of an organization, such as incose, provides confirmation of an individual's competency (demonstrated knowledge, education, and experience) in a specified profession. Certification differs from licensing in that licenses are permissions granted by a government entity for a person to practice within its regulatory boundaries. Certification also differs from a "certificate" that documents the successful completion of a training or education program.
Membership:new skills are attained and skills can be honed though several of incose's venues. The annual International symposium features papers, panel presentations, and tutorials. It is also one of the two times each year when our technical committees and working groups meet in person. The annual International workshop is the other event. Regional conferences hosted by chapters offer a shorter venue and are attractive to those interested in less travel and expense. Most chapters regularly hold meetings featuring speakers on interesting topics. Tutorials have become a mainstay activity sponsored by chapters and are an excellent value. The quarterly publication insight features a theme topic in each issue. Recent themes have included fundamentals such as risk management and measurement.
Technical:technical publications include handbooks and guidebooks that provide formal incose technical information relative to topics within Systems Engineering and provide task guidance, advanced methods, lessons learned, cookbook techniques, and criteria. Incose technical products are developed within incose and must be processed, reviewed, and approved in accordance with the technical product review and approval process.products and publications:members receive complimentary access to incose publications of the se journal and insight. All members of incose may also purchase hard copies of insight and journals(journal of Systems Engineering and journal of enterprise transformation) at a discounted rate for one membership year. Systems Engineering, incose's scholarly journal, is a primary source of multidisciplinary information for the Systems Engineering and management of products and services, and processes of all types. Systems Engineering activities involve the technologies, processes, and Systems management approaches needed for: definition of Systems, including identification of user requirements and technological specifications; development of Systems, including conceptual architectures, tradeoff of design concepts, configuration management during system development, integration of new Systems with legacy Systems, and integrated product and process development; and deployment of Systems, including operational test and evaluation, maintenance over an extended lifecycle, and reengineering. Modern Systems, including both products and services, are often very knowledge intensive, and are found in both the public and private sectors. The journal emphasizes strategic and program management of these, and the information and knowledge base for knowledge principles, knowledge practices, and knowledge perspectives for the Engineering of Systems. Definitive case studies involving Systems Engineering practice are especially welcome. Systems Engineering is included in both the inspec and compendex indices.the journal is produced four times a year - january, april, july, and october. Members may access the journal online at the wiley interscience - Systems Engineering site. Hard copy subscriptions to the journal are available for purchase by incose members either during membership renewal or by purchasing the hardcopy subscription in your member profile home where you can add the hardcopy subscription to your membership.