Program areas at IFPRI
Promoting healthy Food systems: Research on improving diet quality and nutrition for the poor, spearheading Research that focuses particularly on women and children, who have high requirements for essential nutrients. Show how access to markets and economic growth shapes Food choices and habits for the poor, with the aim of maintaining the safety of nutrient-rich foods and protecting or enhancing their nutrient content.
Transforming agriculture: Research to improve overall development strategies to ensure broad-based growth in rural economies, particularly in sub-saharan africa and south asia. Understanding which structural factors and policies have led to successful or failed rural and agricultural development outcomes, with consideration given to elements beyond the agriculture sector, such as demographic structure, conflict, urbanization and income inequalities.
Fostering climate-resilient & sustainable Food supply: Research focusing on policies, institutions, innovations and emerging Food and agricultural technologies that can advance Food and nutrition security. An integrated Research approach to improve the development of scientific knowledge, technology products, and best practices.
Building inclusive and efficient markets, trade systems, and Food industry
Strengthening institutions and governance
Cross-cutting theme of gender