Program areas at IHRSA
Published a printed 10 issues of magazine and 2 special editions. Published reports, articles, videos, and other resources designed to motivate and educate club owners and managers in running their businesses more effectively. Developed extensive resources addressing covid-19 related concerns specific to Health and fitness clubs. Conducted industry and other research in order to provide club owners, operators, industry suppliers, investors, and the public credible information on the worldwide Health club industry and to better understand why people join Health clubs and what motivates them to stay physically active. Assisted members with information needs through telephone and online resources.
Ihrsa represents over 100,000 Health clubs, gyms, and studios across the globe. More than 15,600 clubs are involved in leadership engagement through Ihrsa. Ihrsa has over 6,700 members in 36 countries. The organization provided legal, legislative, public relations, networking, and marketing activities during the current fiscal year.
Conducted several virtual educational events, webinars, and meetings, designed to motivate and educate club owners, managers, and staff and improve club management and operations. Over 10,000 individuals have attended Ihrsa events, education, and one in-person trade show over the past year.