Program areas at International Positive Psychology Association
The world congress on Positive Psychology: bi-annual International meeting the Association holds and is for anyone interested in learning how the "thriving science" is changing the lives of individuals, communities, and institutions around the globe. Symposia, round tables, and poster sessions feature leading-edge research, as well as applications of Positive Psychology in a variety of fields - from business to education to medicine. Attendees have the opportunity to discuss the latest research, insights, and ideas and interact with like-minded people who focus on studying what is best in life and how to create more of it. The internationally diverse audience consists of scientists, researchers, clinicians, educators, students, hr managers, business owners, coaches, consultants, doctors, medical experts - anyone committed to the science and practice of Positive Psychology.
Positive Psychology leadership series: a quarterly webinar series featuring International leaders in the field of Positive Psychology discussing research, application and methodology as it relates to the practical use and study of Positive Psychology on a global level. This is an exclusive members-only series.
Membership: the Association has a membership of approximately 2,000 individuals consisting of scientists, researchers, clinicians, educators, students, hr managers, business owners, coaches, consultants, doctors, medical experts. We send monthly renewal invoices for our membership which is on an anniversary date cycle. Renewal e-mails are sent monthly. Benefits include a monthly newsletter, access to the journal from the International society of applied Psychology, reduced registration fee for world congress, attendance at quarterly Psychology lecture series, access to an online community platform with forums, membership directory, member to member communications, volunteer and mentorship opportunities and online repository, and access to resources on ippa's website.
Divisions: member collaboration in micro groups of 6 dedicated fields: work & organizations, students, health, clinical, education, and spirituality & meaning.