Program areas at Leonardo
CripTech IncubatorLaunched in 2021, Leonardo CripTech Incubator is an art-and-technology fellowship centered on disability innovation. Encompassing residencies, workshops, presentations, publication and education, this innovation incubator creates a platform for disabled artists to engage and remake creative technologies through the lens of accessibility. 2022 was focused on project incubation: Artists developed their projects at partner residencies SBCAST, Berkeley Disability RadMad Lab, Beall Center for Art and Technology and Thoughtworks Arts), while meeting regularly as a cohort with the project team, as well as with invited community leaders for topical workshops. We also presented a virtual works-in-progress event.
Other ProgramsLeonardo participated in several arts-science-tech festivals, exhibits and symposia, including: the Emerge Festival of Ideas (The ASU MIX Center, Mesa, AZ), CyFest satellite exhibitions (National Arts Club, NYC, NY; The ASU MIX Center, Mesa, AZ), Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria), ISEA and Espronceda (Barcelona, Spain), JRC Summer School (Summer School, Ispra, Italy). Collaborative research projects with the ASU Interplanetary Initiative looked at: (1) Space Exploration and Earth Sustainability, and (2) J.E.D.I. in Space travel.
PublicationsLeonardo/ISAST serves as a critical content provider through our Publications Program scholarly journals published by MIT Press (LEONARDO), the Leonardo Book Series (MIT Press), Leonardo Electronic Almanac (MIT Press), and the Leonardo family of websites and experimental projects on evolving digital platforms. The partnership between MIT Press and Leonardo/ISAST saw its 30th anniversary in 2022. This was celebrated with a panel discussion held at MIT as a special, public event on campus, recorded with video shared and available online. LEONARDO is published six times per year. The final issue was created in collaboration with CYLAND Media Arts Lab in conjunction with their transdisciplinary event, CYFEST, cosponsored by Leonardo/ISAST.