Program areas at Internationals Network for Public Schools
New school development Internationals provided targeted professional development and leadership development supports to leaders, teachers, and other staff in newly developing programs in passaic, nj, aldine, tx, and los angeles, ca. Additionally, new school and academy staff were provided access to instructional resources as well as national Network events such as professional development institutes, intervistations, and the national leadership retreat.internationals academies in California and new jersey which were in the initial years of development received targeted school development support. Internationals continued to explore collaborations with school districts in additional locations across the u.s.
Model disseminationin addition to supporting its Network Schools and academies, Internationals partnered with Schools and districts outside its Network. Internationals provided professional development workshops to Schools and districts and facilitated school visits for district and school staff from non-network Schools. Educators from non-network Schools participated in the professional development conferences including the virtual summer institute and the virtual fall pd conference. Some of this model dissemination work may eventually lead to the creation of new Schools or academies in future years.
Professional and leadership developmentinternationals returned to fully in-person services and continued to offer a variety of professional development and leadership development its national Network Schools and academies with a continued focus on three regional hubs in nyc, ca, and dc/md/va. Professional development staff created new workshops to meet the changing needs of Schools while continuing to further refine existing workshops. In all three regional hubs,these activities included direct supports for Schools and academies as well as facilitated network-wide activities such as facilitated intervisitations and working groups. for its nyc regional Network, Internationals provided instructional support and leadership development including support for principals and assistant principals; support for college advisors, social workers, and counselors; as well as other forms of customized instructional and leadership support. Regional Network support for Schools and academies in the dc,md, va and bay area regions included professional development for teachers, instructional coaching, professional learning communities and other supports. Internationals designed and facilitated workshops for educators from Network andnon-network Schools in regional summer professional development institutes as well as for over 400 educators at the annual pd conference which was in-person for the first time since the pandemic. The annual national leadership retreat brought together school and academy staff from across the country in san francisco. Internationals expanded efforts to collect and analyze qualitative and quantitative data to better support Schools as well as to understand its impact.
Policy and advocacyinternationals continued to partner with researchers and policy/advocacy groups to informpractices and policies impacting immigrants/ells, mostly in ny state but also nationally.the organizations Internationals worked with included ell-focused professionalorganizations, community-based organizations and coalitions, civil rights organizations,and other non-profits. Internationals also presented and participated in convenings andconferences with researchers and other education practitioners. Internationals continued abroader focus on promoting a deeper understanding among policymakers, legislators,educators and the advocacy community on the following issues; performance assessmentfor ells, the need for multiple pathways to graduation, college access for immigrants, andsupports for undocumented students. Internationals published its first series of learningbriefs. Learning briefs are short, accessible series of publications that serve as a forum forinternationals to share promising practices and learnings from our Schools centered arounda specific theme or topic. The first series shared lessons learned and accomplishments inthe postsecondary access work in new york city.