Program areas at Interurban Arthouse
ArtMatters - provides opportunities for artists of all levels wishing to advance their artistic skills, learn new studio methods, participate in discussions and critiques, connect with other creatives, and exhibit their works through the ArtHouse's 6 annual open exhibitions. ArtMatters programming includes events such as open studio "work" sessions, live model drawing meetups, dance classes, painting classes, musician "jam sessions," critiquing events, and exhibition receptions. ArtMatters offers presentations and workshops by visiting and established artists, discussions, and artist mentoring. For artist instructors, ArtMatters provides artists with paid teaching opportunities to share their skills, enhancing the community through artistic learning and expression. In 2023, IUAH served more than 400 artists and nearly 2,800 in audiences through exhibitions, open studio work sessions, and arts-skills classes and workshops.
ArtsConnect represents the community Creative Placemaking and arts advocacy work done by IUAH. Our Creative Placemaking engages regional artists, community members, local businesses, representatives from municipalities, and other key community stakeholders in equitable, representative, arts-centric community development and design, including public art, public gathering spaces, community-wide festivals and public-facing performances. Our advocacy work is in communicating the importance of the arts to local and regional economies, community livability, and quality of life to city, county, state, and national representatives to increase public funding for - and so public impact of - the arts. ArtsConnect touched the lives of nearly 700 unique audience members through 32 events in 2023.
ArtWorks - delivered at InterUrban ArtHouse, partner locations, and via Zoom - affords opportunities for entrepreneurial development training to creatives to become professional, self-sufficient small businesses. Through ArtWorks, we aim to support innovation by enabling growth, advancing business skills and providing training for the creative sector. ArtWorks includes topics such as strategic planning, marketing & communications, grants writing and fundraising, budgeting, accounting & tax planning, project management and legal practices. All classes are offered at low cost or no cost and no one is turned away because of their ability to pay. The program is in collaboration with Springboard for the Arts (curriculum) and Kansas City Volunteer Lawyers and Accountants for the Arts (legal and accounting consultations). ArtWorks benefitted an estimated 824 arts-entrepreneurs in 2023.
ArtSmart provides pre-K through 12th grade students in Title-1 schools - the majority of whom are economically disadvantaged with arts enrichment and curriculum integration for enhanced learning. IUAH pays KC metro regional artists from diverse backgrounds and artistic practices to bring the arts to students most sorely in need of it. By connecting with local artists, young people are inspired through dance, story telling, music, poetry, painting, sculpture, mural design, field trips and more. Numerous studies provide hard evidence of the positive outcomes for students who engage in and are engaged by the arts, which students from economically disadvantaged homes have less opportunity and exposure to. In 2023, ArtSmart, had 640 beneficiaries through 11 events, consisting of 6 summer lunch performances at SMSD summer lunch feeding sites, 1 school-wide cultural assembly by Karen Linsondra at Westridge Middle and 3 high school class tours.
ArtSpace provides affordable space for artists and community in a 10,000 sq. foot former USPS sorting facility. Reinvented and revitalized in 2018, the IUAH ArtSpace now includes 19 studio spaces, occupied by 30 artists (representing leather, painting, jewelry, collage, assemblage, music, and mural design), and a 3,500 sq. foot gallery and event space used for exhibitions, classes, presentations, performances and private events. The outdoor space includes a stage and seating for 50 guests and a fenced area that accommodates 28 festival tents. In 2023, had 403 beneficiaries though 12 events. IUAH had 23 studio artists 3 of which were served with no cost space for one year.