Program areas at Ischemia Research and Education Foundation
The organization was formed to conduct, supervise, and fund Research activities designed to promote the advancement of knowledge of heart disease. More specifically, the organization will Research better and safer methods of detecting heart attack before, during and after surgery. The results of this Research will be disseminated to medical schools, hospitals, clinics, engineering and pharmaceutical companies, doctors, researches, as well as the general public.
Ischemia Research and Education Foundation (iref) is dedicated to the
Advancement of knowledge of heart disease. Through local, national and
International lectures Research papers,iref identifies, publicizes and
Promotes better and safer methods of detecting heart attacks at the
Earliest stage possible. Another goal is to minimize the risk of heart
Attacks before, during, and after surgery, in order to advance its
Causes, iref has conducted clinical trials of various drugs. The
Results of these trials provide independent drug analysis for use by
The food and drug administration, pharmaceutical companies, and the
Medical Research community.