Program areas at Itasca Waters
Itasca waters leads an effort to help property owners curb Water pollution and runoff by focusing on shorelands. Through seminars, literature, visits to restored shorelands and consultations with local professionals and experts the project will educate the public in the areas of the aquatic zone, shoreland, erosion/runoff, septic/excavation, and private forest management. The program provides onsite information and assistance, at no cost, to lakeshore owners interested in curtailing sources of pollution form their property. Over 30 citizens have agreed to be trained and make visits in Itasca county. In 2021, the pandemic limited the ability to schedule visits and 15 were performed.
Itasca waters incurred miscellaneous expenses to promote its mission including event, website, facility and supplies costs.
Itasca waters completed its three-year initiative to use community driven solutions to protect Itasca county's Water. This process has engaged all stakeholders in designing a community-wide plan to protect the Water quality in the lakes, rivers, and streams throughout Itasca county. Over 1,000 Itasca county residents were engaged in a variety of ways, including online surveys, one-on-one interviews, phone interviews, focus groups, ad human-centered design sessions to better understand how we as a community can ensure high-quality Water in perpetuity. The stakeholders reached include area lake associations, local government, business owners, fishing guides, resort owners, realtors, and the general public. Itasca waters was successful in encouraging twenty-five local government units to adopt clean Water commitment resolutions. In august of 2021, Itasca waters hosted "waterfest" a free community celebration in honor of Itasca county's clean Water resource. Over 250 people attended the event.