Program areas at Ithrive Games Foundation
Creation and development of Games for learning and healing to be used in educational and therapeutic settings
Youth advocacy for innovative learning of social/emotional skills and the promotion of mental health and wellness
Provision of education and information on how to create meaningful Games that take teens' needs and overall well-being into consideration
Fee for services-funds were provided for numerous projects and program including facilitating sel college summer camp programs with uva, development of a new mobile game to foster healthy romantic relationships, development of a disaster preparedness and resilience game with fema, facilitating of codesign with youth, development of a card game with fugees family.
Funds provided from grant programs through bma and middlebury. Bma was a ma community empowerment grant where we worked with system involved youth to create Games and resources and engaged in youth advocacy for innovative learning of sel skills and the promotion of mental health and wellness. Middlebury we were a subgrantee on a dhs tvtp grant to develop a game that helps teens become aware or and resist recruitment into violent extremism.
Consulting stipends on behalf of staff that attended a gathering of educators and designers to share education and information on how to create meaningful Games curriculum that takes teens needs and overall wellbeing into consideration. We were paid by the same organization to consult on a proposal for new curriculum projects. Also includes payment for consulting on the instructional design on sel programs for the state of nort carolina.