Program areas at JCDC
Waiver - since 2010, jcdc offers a range of supportive services through the i/id medicaid waiver program. Services are provided to over 100 individuals with severe disabilities in its offices located in millwood, point pleasant and parkersburg west Virginia.
Production - utilizing a special state procurement program, e-commerce, and business to business sales strategies, jcdc provides support services to the state of west Virginia and fortune 500 companies. Jcdc manufactures industrial wipers, provides ground keeping services, processes, sells, and recycles plastics, metals, and other industrial carbons. Jcdc provides carbon neutrality to fortune 500 companies through recycling to increase their environmental, social, and governance (esg) footprint score. All of these employment opportunities help provide soft and hard skills training to individuals with disabilities.
Data - through a special state procurement program, jcdc provides certain data management operations to state agencies. Currently providing jobs for individuals with disabilities who process information using technology.
Other services - provided to state and other organizations utilizing the skills of individuals with disabilities who normally would have trouble gaining competitive employment. Currently, jcdc has significant projects that employ individuals with disabilities in the recycling business, the manufacturing of wiping cloths, several data management projects, and a telephone contact Center. It has expanded its vocational services that help adults with special needs learn about the world of work and how to obtain a job. This includes maintaining locations in pt. Pleasant, millwood, and parkersburg. Today, jcdc serves adults with special needs in Jackson, mason, roane, calhoun, wirt, and wood counties in west Virginia.