Program areas at Jackson in Action 83 Foundation
Programs include the military moms baby shower, youth in Action camp for military children, salute to scholars program for military dependents, verterans, and military spouses, holiday programs, and more.
Our salute to scholars program provides scholarship money annually to three high school aged recipients in the tampa bay area and three more in the Colorado springs area who receive of $3,000, $2,000, $1,000, and $500. To apply for the scholarship, students must be the dependent of an active duty, retired, or deceased member of the military. Students must write two essays, one describing what career path they plan to take and another describing what it means to them to have a parent/guardian who served in the armed forces. The Foundation also awards three scholarships to veterans in the same amounts who need to complete a degree or continuing education credits to keep or obtain a civilian job.
Military moms baby shower - provide items essential for the care of newborns to military families who are without a support system of family and/or friends. Items include baby strollers, car seats, security systems, cribs, crib sheets, bottles, pacifiers, parenting books, and counseling.