Program areas at Jackson YMCA
Healthy living - whether through indoor, outdoor or virtual group exercise classes, we support the community in making and maintainng lifestyle changes. Studies show that our physical and mental health has a direct correlation to the activities in our life and accessability to programs that promote a healthy living lifestyle. In 2023 our pool and youth sports programs were well attended this also includes water, fitness, martial arts, and after-school bus-in programs. No one is turned away from membership or programs based upon their proven inability to pay. The financial asst program for membership allows individuals and families the opportunity to be a part of the Ymca membership,promoting healthy habits and encouraging family time together at a reduced monthly rate. The Jackson Ymca is a community welcoming to all regardless of abilities,incomes, races and religions. Program fees are structured to be affordable to all. Financial asst. Programs equaled approximately $173,730. All youth programs receive subsidy at some level,outside of direct assistance to individuals and families.
Social responsibility: drowning is the second leading cause of accidental death among children 4-17 and these deaths are preventable. Provided free water safety classes. Along with saving lives, those classes opened the door to a fun, healthy activity that can be enjoyed for a lifetime. We also provide programs in the community to indlude a safe and productive area for community youths to do homework. Day care is provided to members using the facilities. Some programs provide information regarding healthly living and lifestyles. The Jackson Ymca also has space for community members and groups to have a safe, secure area to hold meetings, seminars, or family gatherings.
Youth development includes our day camp travel program that takes children ages 4-15 to various parks and recreation areas around Jackson county. Campers took art, dance and mucic lessons, went on nature hikes, swam in local lakes and much more. Our community partners played a key role in making this a great summer. These camps give us a great opportunity to incorporate our core-character values of caring, honesty, respect, and responsibility into the curriculum. We also expand our enrichment time this year to help campers achieve grade level goal learning in all areas of study through experiences that have had a strong impact to get many of our children back on track in their learning as well as their social and emotional skills by being able to ineract with others in the programs.