Program areas at James Madison University Foundation
Scholarships & Fellowships - Includes expenditures for scholarships and fellowships in the form of grants to students, resulting from selection by donor-established criteria or by the James Madison University Foundation's board designation of unrestricted funds.
Institutional Support - Includes expenditures for central and administrative-level activities concerned with management and long-range planning for the entire institution. It also includes expenditures for operations related to human resources, postal services, finance, resource planning, information technology, and for advancement to maintain relations with the community, alumni and other constituents and to conduct activities related to institution-wide development.
Operation & Maintenance of Plant - Includes expenditures for the operation and maintenance of James Madison University's physical plant. Current year expenditures include transfers to James Madison University of donor-designated funds for the construction of a college of business learning complex, and various athletics construction projects.
Intercollegiate Athletics - Expenditures for intercollegiate sport programs that provide for JMU students' physical well-being and social and cultural development outside the context of the formal instruction program. It also includes expenditures related to the administration, operation and promotion of intercollegiate athletics.
Academic Support - Includes expenditures providing support services for programs of instruction, research, and public services.
Instruction - Includes expenditures for all activities that are part of JMU's instructional program.
Public Service - Includes expenditures for activities established to provide non-instructional educational services beneficial to individuals and groups, internal and external to JMU.
Student Support - Includes expenditures for student affairs and activities with the primary purpose of contributing to students' emotional and physical well-being and intellectual, cultural and social development outside the context of the formal instruction program.
Research - Includes expenditures for activities specifically organized to produce educational research at JMU.